Corsair color

Ok I’m painting the three color version of the F4U-1 Corsair, and I’m not sure about what to do. The question is, On the Tamyia instructions says to paint the top color AS8 Navy Blue, so what could substitute this color? Can I paint it with Humbrol’s 77 Matt Navy Blue? Because it doesn’t look the same color :frowning:

The tri color scheme is dark sea blue, intermediate blue and the botom is white. Don’t have any charts with me to match the different companies colors.

Check out They have a manufacturer/color cross-reference.

Hey dancar,
This what I found for the colors,
FS 35042-Flat Sea Blue(same color as Drk Sea Blue)
FS 35164-Intermediate Blue and of course…
FS 37875 Flat White
Remember due to weathering and all around everyday use the colors will vary on each a/c.
Hope this helps ya a bit.
Flaps up, Mike

Here’s a couple of diagrams that may help, this ovbiously ain’t a Corsair but it does show the basic scheme you’re after and, more importantly, it gives the FS color equivs:

Both of these show the same scheme, but the early scheme uses matte (flat) colors (prefix of 3 in color# 35189) and the later scheme uses gloss colors. (prefix of 1 in color 15189)

Obviously the scheme as applied to the Avenger would be a bit different than that applied to a Corsair, also just ignore the color on the tail.

Fade to Black…

Thanks guys it helped a lot :slight_smile:

Nice shot of Ike’s A/C Butz. One of Blackburn’s S.O.Bees (Later the Jolly rogers) of VF-17.

Humbrol makes a gloss sea blue, if that is what is available to you. They used to make a flat. I still have a tin. After you decal,spray it with a flat for a proper finish.