Hey guys, I’m really trying to grime up my F-4U-1D, and I was wondering, did the metal rust? Specifically I’m talking about the wheel wells. A sludge was is nice, but I think I want to drybrush some corrosion in and just wanted to know what color to make it. Thanks, guys!
From what i know most of the aircraft were made of aluminum and with that you would get elctrolasis not rust. And that would make the alumanum carode like rust but with out the rust color more of a white color if i remember right.
With inspection and maintenance schedules on operational aircraft, be they 1940’s a/c or 2006 a/c, I’d be incredibly surprised to see signs of visible corrosion.
Visible corrosion would imply improper maintenance, neglect of proper maintenance procedures, or an un-airworthy aircraft, and I’ll bet you a million dollars that no pilot would willingly strap his butt into an a/c that he knew to be improperly maintained.
Now grime, dirt or weathering is another matter entirely. Cleaning an operational airframe is a completely different kettle of fish to maintaining an operational airframe, although maintenance does involve a certain degree of cleaning processes.
Many aircraft got dirty - for example the Skyraider got filthy, Tornados have soot marks up the rudder from the thrust reversers, and almost all radial aircraft engines leaked all over the place and made quite a mess - and if a radial wasn’t leaking, it was thought to be out of oil.
I’m sure you’ve seen pics of WWII fighters or bombers that are dirty and weathered, or a more recent pic of a Tomcat that’s been on a cruise that has had spot painting to keep the corrosion at bay - they look filthy and leprous, even though they were classed as operational a/c.
So for corrosion…maybe not - but weathering and grime - go for it.
With Lee Tree’s answer! Enough said! Bang on!
Lee, thanks for your answer. I won’t be painting any corrosion, however I shall have to look into photos and see where these leaks were likely to occur. Oh well, more photos to add to my refrence book!