computer modelling - yea or nea

How many of y’all also make computer models?

If you do, do you also consider it apart of your modelling experience?

And for those of you who don’t use 3D, would you like to or do you
see it as something completely different other than the “oooo” factor.

I know that wether I am doing a computer model (3d) or a regular model (plastic, wood, resin) - I put alot of the same thought into it,
ie: how do I want it to look like, can I use this kit (for base dimensions and appearence) or that, what kind of weathering/damage can I paint into the texture map . Where the heck are my references , how do I make a proper bedroll or pack
and so on.

I’d like to know your thoughts on this?

Good topic! I gotta say, though, that I spend so much of the day at work trying to get the computer to do what I want (I guess I do win more than I lose, but…), that when I get home at night I like working with tangible, concrete, physical stuff like styrene, balsa, card stock. Well, that or something totally passive like navigating the TV remote…

Anybody else feel that way?

Computer modelling can be a hobby in it’s own right and it could be a help to other modellers. A 3-D model of a Corsair, for example, that could be rotated on three axis and zoomed could help in getting a look at that part of the wheel well not shown in the book.

If I had the talent, knowledge, and the tools to make 3D computer models, I definitely would consider doing it. I’m not talking about being able to make simple shapes, but to be able to make models of subjects, complete with details and textures.

I would agree that it takes a lot of the same thought when it comes to details. One difference is that with 3D models you don’t always have instructions and ready-to assemble pieces.

What are some of the important aspects of modeling?

  1. Creating a finished model by assembling a various assortment of parts together, improvising when necessary.
  2. Having fun – enjoying the building of the model.
  3. Being able to show off the finished model to others.

Sounds like computer modeling would fit right in. [:)]

Some people use plastic, resin, wood, paper or whatever else they can get their hands on. Computer modelers use virtual materials - 1’s and 0’s. Both enjoy what they do. Spouses may still complain about the time and money spent on either. Those not involved with either may still deem them as toys. A lot of similiarities. [;)]

Oh – cats can hit the delete key and do just as much damage. [;)]

Both also require patience and practice.

I still say a paintball gun solves the cat problem.

I don’t understand, why would anyone want to make a model of a computer?[:D][:D][:D][:D]

I don’t have enough time or money for the plastic, I sure don’t for the virtual!


Well, I don’t know about a model of a computer, but I do seem to remember seeing a scratchbuilt model of a harpsichord once…



Just ONE word…>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.DRUMS FOR SALE!!! Oh, wait that was more than one, ah NEVERMIND!


sorry…couldn’t resist

it was assembled from a series of kits - kind of.
Psoable too - GI Joe move over

I seem to have enough trouble working on the kits on my workbench let alone taking up another hobby. Maybe it’s because I’m spending far too much time on the computer visiting FSM. LOL


How come this guys expression looks like he just got “Goosed”?


it’s all in what you don’t see [;)]

Ooooooh, I hate you computer guys… (just kidding)

I think it is a medium and discipline in its own right. Its the same as asking “is a painting the same as a sculpture?”
Personaly I feel that it is not as tangible as a physical model. No computer, no cgi. But with a physical model I don’t need power, nor a computer and I can look at it or work on it at any time. It also offers the challenge of working in a defined scale and form, where as a cgi can be "zoomed in " to the pixel level.

Don’t get me wrong. The guys at ILM and Pixar have done some absolutely phenominal stuff. The cgi of Jurassic Park and Titanic, Pearl Harbor etc. are milestones of technological artistic development. wibhi2’s posting of his illustration is a fair rendering. But we’re looking at apples and oranges here. Virtual vs. tangible. Now from a viewing standpoint, its no different than looking at photos in a magazine or on a website. (sorry Mr. Voss & Mr. Hansen) so in that respect it can be compared to any of those and is tangible with that medium. But that is where the similarity ends.

Now where the two collide and work together is in the forensic, engineering and medical fields. Cgi images can be routed to a resin and laser c&c machine and models can be made from that. 3d mri images are manipulated on the computer to rebuild missing or damaged bone tissue to help with prosthetics and or identification. Surgeons can virtualy operate or practice prior to an actual operation. Engineers can fabricate models for testing or implementation into designs. Couple the cgi with that and I think you can make a case for “is it the same?” Till then, its still a gimmick, parlor trick, and art form in its own right.

The oooooo factor is still pretty high. But then I still shake a chiken leg and offer up a sacrafice to my computer before turning it on. I think I belonged to a New Guinean cargo cult in a prior life. And then again my VCR has been blinking for 4 years so who am I to judge? :wink:


Well, I love to look at A/C images and painting but it’s not modelling in my book. To me it is like video taping a model you’ve built-Screen? Monitor? The end product would be just as tangable!