Comments on some Glues!

Hi Everyone - - It’s Smee Agin:

Got to thinking about Glue this Morning. Of course I do know about Tamiya’s line. I use the Green Top because of it’s positive qualities and it’s hard to tip over. That’s not to say you can’t ! Now, here’s some I thought I would mention in passing.

You all remember the Testors Red Label Plastic Liquid right? Then there’s these Flex-I-File, Plast-I-Weld ( No Brush in the bottle!) How about this one FALLER-Super Expert #170490 Liquid. It’s the consistency of Thin tube type Glue. The warning says Extremely Flammable. Comes in an oval 25g Bottle ( Plastic) Then there’s this Cutadel Plastic Glue from Games Workshop in the U.K., 0.7 fl.oz./20g

Then there’s the old tried and true. Revell Tube Glue and so on. Now my question is this. How many More are there and how good are they? I got the Faller Glue when I bought an “Expert” level Group of buildings kit.

Ones I haven’t mentioned is the Plastruct glue and the Glue put out for use on Polycarbonate or Plexi Sheets. A lot of that is too hot for us! Can you think of any others and how do they work?

The Faller is slow but strong when set. The Citadel is slow at first, But if you wait about ten seconds and clamp, Fuggedaboud seperatin those parts! The Flex-I-File is very fast and a great Capillary action Glue. Immediate bond, almost like C.A.

And of course the Testors. Still my go -to if and when I can find it. Like Tamiya’s I have unopened Bottles over ten years old that still do their thing! Let me know of others and how they work. Thanks!

That’s the one in the yellow bottle isn’t it? There’s also a “regular” Faller Expert in a white bottle. I seem to remember reading somewhere that the Faller Expert line will happily glue ABS as well as styrene - it’s one of the few hobby cements that will do ABS. I can’t confirm that though, I’ve never tried gluing ABS plastic.

Hi !

Hey how’re doing? yes, it is the Yellow Bottle. I have the White one too. Like them both. And some of the parts used on the Museum structures are from Plastruct ( OLD ) and ABS. It works like styrene with that glue!