colors needed

As I assemble what I’m going to need to build my models of the 1/350th Enterprises, a thought occured to me. (Some my think that in itself was a new experience). What are the colors used on the EnterpriseA and the NX class?

Is this the Aircraft Carrier or the ship from Star Trek? As 1/350 is more of a ship scale then Sci-Fi scale, seems a bit large for Star Ship.

They’re the starships. Polar lights made both. The engine nacels for the “A” are about half the size of the 1/350 Musashi battleship.

Didn’t you get a paint list with it?? I’ve only got the NX, but I remember it listing Clear blue, red and green and then steel and aluminum among others. I think there was a third metallic, maybe silver. I haven’t done more then look it over and bought some paint at Hobby Lobby’s last paint sale. As for the A, I think there is a metalic in the MM line that is white. That is your best bet. I don’t remember what it’s called, Magnesium maybe. For pictures try and If you want something specific, I can try to find it on DVD. I’ve got the movies and the first season of Enterprise I could look through if you need a better look at something. How’s the A kit look?? I’m thinking about getting it for my birthday next month. I’ve heard good things and the NX and smaller kits are good and I figured it’d be more of the same.

Here’s PL’s NX Pics

There isn’t one for the A.

Thanks for the help and info. It must have been overlooked at the factory. I just took a second look and nothing. The “A” is huge. You should see the engine nacels along side a 350th battleship. This one just begs for lighting. It even gives the lounge area for those big windows on its side. I might pick up a second one for later because I heard a rumor that it has been discontinued already. I got my aztek patterns for the “A” and need to find ones for the “NX”. They will diffinently be worth it just in the time they save.

I’m sure my NX had one. I think it had a close up of the Aztec diagram of a panel on it. It looked something like this page for the refit enterprise. I can try to find it tonight and try to scan it tomm. if you want it. Send me an email.

I can just imagine the A. It has like 20+ decks (I recall a “U” deck.). Voyager had 15 and the NX has less then 10, I think. I’m hoping for more ships in 1/350, Defiant or Voyager, but who knows.

Yeah, who knows maybe Polar Lights will take all the money they were bought out with and start a new company and continue to release kits like these.

We can hope. There is a good market for Star Trek, especially this year since it is the 40th Anniversary. A TOS Enterprise would do really well. And a ST:IV Bird of Prey for that movie’s 20th Ann. AMT made a B’Rel Bird of Prey in 1/350 at one point. It wasn’t too bad, but it was 20 yrs ago. An update would be nice.