cmk ersatz conversion

will it fit the tamiya panther g late version?

Here goes, having recently conquering one of those conversions, I give my [2c]. 1st, I used a Tamiya Early G for the conversion. I’m not sure, but some differences between the early and late G are the rear deck, exhaust, and the gun mantle. Here I can only give an opinion. I don’t see that the rear deck would give you too much trouble. I think the exhaust on the late G uses an arrester tube set up that are bigger than the early G. You might have to kit bash an earlier exhaust, or otherwise deal with the difference.You can see on the link below what I mean about the exhaust/rear piece. As far as the gun mantle I’m not sure.

IMHO, that conversion is just a beginning point. It took me along time, allot of fitting, refitting, styrene, sanding, shaping, etc., etc. Fitting was a relative term with it for me. I also made the mistake of making the back of the turret look like some models I saw instead of some pictures of the real thing. After redoing that,I am pleased with the way it turned out, but for me it was TOUGH. Here is a link to the pictures of my attempt:

I also have other pics of the build up. Ok, I feel better now.[:o)] I hope this helps, good luck.

your site won’t let me see the pics but i know that i will turn out good. at $60 canadian i don’t want to buy another kit.

Ok, let’s try this:

i see what you mean about the exhust. will the lip on the late model turret mantlet matter?

I really don’t know. But, for me almost everything had to be “adjusted”. I would think it could be dealt with.

I’ve been looking into this conversion myself, and i’ve heard from several modellers that the acurate armour conversion is far superiour to the one CMK offers…

Just my [2c]

Jan [:)]

still for $35 it wasn’t a bad buy