Clone Trooper Diorama

Hi All

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything so thought I would show off a dio I did using some Hasbro figures.

This Diorama is just something I wanted to do as I had a few Troopers lying around the are from the Trooper evolution serious. I have repainted them again using Vallejo and Reaper Miniature paints, The base is from an old DVD container and has plaster of paris and wood glue added to it.
Once dry I glued model railway sand and static grass to the base and once dry painted the whole base usingthe above paints.
The bush’s are plastic fish tank plants cut to size and the shrubs are from woodland scenics both were glued to the base and then painted again using the above mentioned paints.


Very, very cool piece. Well done. Really like the scenics as well, and the weathering on the Clones. [tup]

Very impressive! You have definately given me inspiration to attempt something like that myself. A superb diorama, thanks for sharing it with us. Darren.

Thanks for the feedback really appreciate it I have a few more ideas for some dio’s so as soon as I make them I’ll post them.
