Clear Dope vs Colored Dope


I’m working on a Guillow’s P40 Warhawk. The instructions say to use “Dope” to attach the tissue to the airplane. I read earlier posts on how to apply the dope, but my question is this. Does it matter if I use clear dope or colored dope? I know colored dope can be used for covering the tissue after it has been “doped” to the wings to give them a more durable, and colorful feel. But can I use the colored dope for the actual “doping” of the tissue? Thanks.

You will get a nicer finish if you use the clear to attach the tissue to the balsa. Let it dry, then give the tissue a couple of overall coats of clear dope. This will give you a consistent base to apply the color coats.

Thank you Ashley for the quick response! You know, the main reason for all this is because my local hobby shop ran out of the clear, so I had to buy a color dope. I know traditionally clear is the way to go, but assuming I’m stuck withthe color dope, will it still do the trick (i.e. will it still be sticky enough to attach the tissue to the balsa)? I’m assuming the only difference between color dope and clear, is that color dope has the additonal “color” mix in it? Thanks again

I have built many F/F models over the years - I lways found that a diluted PVA as best for covering with tissue. It dries more slowly - thus you can manouvre the tissue to suite and it is generally more user friendly. Once dry (not long usually in reasonable temperatures) it was then sprayed with a very light dusting of water to take up the slack. Thinning the clear and the subsequent colours of dope is essential - other wise the model will be very heavy - probably the shrinking action will distort the frame work and frankly it will not look good! Three or four very thin coates are better than one thick - giving you better control.