Could someone please tell me the importence of clear coats And when they should be applied.
Hey there, Desert Fox. I apply clear coats for a variety of reasons.
The most common reason is related to decals. Some paints are flat, which means that decals have a hard time adhering to the model and will usually have silvering. I spray on a clear gloss coat to “smoothen” the model surface and ensure that the decals will really stick smack onto the surface.
After that, I apply another coat of clear gloss to even out the model surface, making the decals “blend” right into the finish. Thereafter, if I’m replicating a dull finish, a final coat of flat clear to remove or reduce the sheen.
I also spray on a clear coat after applying was for the same reasons mentioned above. Clear coats also protect the final colors applied to your model as well.
Hope this helps.
Thankyou Allen you have been a great help.