cleaning future

I know it is in a gizillion old posts but could someone tell me how to clean future from an airbrush? I assume water, is that correct?

Yes, you are correct. Atleast that’s what I use.

Yup, I just run water thru the brush (I squeeze it into the cup port from an old contact lens solution bottle).

Some people probably like to mix in a little windex or detergent to make sure, but I never bother.

that should work, providing you don’t let it get gummy or (eeek!) hard.
if so, try using straight amonia if the windex is not cutting it.

I always use pure ammonia (it’s not really pure, I only use those ones sold in stores.) It is always effective in removing any trace of Future. if you are going to recoat, just make sure that any trace of the ammonia has been removed by running it in water and air-drying it.

Thanks guys!!!

I use Windex on the theory that the amonia cuts the wax/acrylic better. Certainly have no problems, and it is reletively cheap.