Chrysler engine in the Sherman Tank

First post in a while. Has anyone got any info or know where I can find any, on the Chrysler engine that was used in the Shermans? I have one photo and although it is clear, it is a very limited view. i would like to build one and put it in a Sherman. [:D] Any help would be greatly appriciated.

Here is a link to a 4 pages Sherman factory pictures. Bottom pictures in Page 2 & 3 I believe features the chrysler engine for the M4A4.

I think verlinden makes an M4 engine and compartment. I believe M4’s used the crysler aviation radial engine.

The Chrysler ‘multibank’ engine was FIVE six cylinder auto engines arranged around a common shaft. it was used only (? i see one page that says this, others that have it in a Lee & a Firefly!) in the M4A4, and not by US forces, but allies only, mostly British, under Lend-Lease.
(source: see
the M4A4 had a longer hull to accomodate this engineering monstrosity.

only pic i saw was on:
(scroll to the bottom)
i read AFVinteriors will not be w/ us much longer, so grab all the data from there you can & FAST!!)

Riddleusmc - you are thinking of the Continental radial aircraft engine. that was different.

i wish Robert were here. [:(]
you would have more Sherman info, faster & more depth & accuracy.
now you are stuck hearing stuff from [D)] me.
and i only know what i looked up a minute ago.

Converting a Sherman a Sherman to an M4A$ with the Chrysler multi-bank is not as easy as adding an engine and changing the rear deck. Because the engine was longer, they had to stretch the hull. The suspension bogies are also spaced further apart than on a standard Sherman. Although the stretch is subtle, it is noticable. If you search the web, you should be able to find some exterior shots.