Chrome Parts Help Please

Hi all. I found a 75 Camaro model on ebay last month, and OMG I got it and I did not care what it cost. Just don’t tell the wife I said that hehehe. My 1st car was a 75 Camaro and I LOVED it. Well to go on here. I want to build this and put it in a glass case. Now I have built a LOT of models over my 41 years and I ALWAYS messed up on the chrome parts.

Now does anyone have any good ideas on how after taking the part from the tree and sanding /cutting it down smoth can I fix how it looks.

Thanks all


i’d have to say that if i was doing it,i’d get the bumper all smoothed out and primed then use bare metal foil to make it chrome again

I usually carefully cut the parts from the sprue and clean-up carefully so the bare spot isn’t too big. If the spot will be in a less noticable location, such as under the bumper, I’ll dab a bit of chrome enamel paint on the spots. When they are good and dry (weeks later) I’ll polish them with Scratch X and then buff.

Good luck and have fun on your Camaro build. [:)]

If your really wanting to make this a show stopper, you could remove all the chrome parts and send them to an aftermarket chrome plating business. Look in the back of an issue of Scale Auto mag, there are ads in there for it. Good luck!

Thanks all for some of your tips. I did find this last night and will get some and try it out.

Thanks again all


get the ultra bright chrome foil and MAKE SURE the surface is as smooth as a polished finish.

i recently started to strip my chrome parts (bikes and F1) all together and used alclad II’s chrome to refinish them. They don’t get that liquid mirror shine anymore though but sure is chrome enough for me.