CH-53E 1/48 (Super Stalion) ??/

I grew up in Stratford ,Ct till my early 20’s and remember seeing this bad boy mant times,

They would take them over a wetland near Sikorsky Air port and ground hover for hours.At the plant

a few miles away they would run them and taxi around the flight line like crazy. I rememnber they

were calling them Super Stalion. What Happen to that name?? The marines were the first to recieve

them ,I think. The Presidental Helicopter Service has a few 53-E 's that are used for transporting his

Secrete Service equipment , Suburban’s stuff like that… They had a disaster with one a few years back

at Sikorsky… They were finishing up a flight test right before delivery and one flung a main blade,rolled

on its back and flew into the ground ,right on the flight line.Hundreds of employes saw the whole thing

happen … It was real bad, Nothing was left… A pile of burnt rubble…Four Employes were killed…

Two pilots and two electronic techs. Real bad stuff,… Turned out to be under size bearings in the main

hub… Stupid , What happen to the Super Stalion Name ?? Thanks all…


CH-53Es are still in USMC service and still called Super Stallions. Academy is releasing a 1/48 scale model of one soon. Check down a couple posts to see it.

Thanks HA

Yes and I can’t wait, I have one on order and paid for, I just didn’t see Super Stalion

on any of the info about her. They mention Sea Stalion and Sea Dragon but no Sea Stalion… thanks

for your replies The Best Davey5

Gino’s got it. The CH-53e is the Super Stallion and the CH-53d is the Sea Stallion. You can check here: . Click under ‘Aircraft - Rotary Wing’.


The name has stayed, but it’s never used in the Fleet Marine Forces. It has a nickname that wouldn’t be quite appropriate for this forum. I don’t know how to say it without offending our gracious hosts on the FSM forums, so I’m not going to try. But the nickname is a synonim for toilet.

I had never really heard the other name for a -53 until Chris posted it one time…we just called them “53s” or the Phrogs were “46s” but then, we were just cargo too, not the guys that worked on them daily…

There’s nothing like hearing that roar and thumping blades as a pair of these beasts come in to the LZ to lift you out and back home.


The Marines are “in” the Department of the Navy, not a different department. If Marines are “the men” then why can’t they drive themselves?


If we did it all, then there’d be no need for the Navy. Besides, it’s nice to be chaffuered around from time to time…

You know this MAN!!! The Navy hate’s to hear that.

We always called them -53’s or -46’s. Never heard of the term “Phrog” until the release of the new model. It’s like the UH-1. Nobody calls it the Iroquois, everyone just calls it a Huey.


Don’t even go there. You never hear “Send in the NAVY…” And why does Lemon call it the Men’s Department? Well, that can be explained by using the old World War II poster “Want to fight…Join the Marines”

Semper Fi, brothers.


I kinda like to think the best marine is a Submarine…but before I rode the boats I was an engineman assigned to Riverine Force in Cam Rhan Bay RVN… and I do know that without Navy Corpsman the Marines are in a world of Poop. And a Boat team of SEALs can do what it would take a Battalion of Jar Heads to accomplish… I didn’t start the cross service bashing here but hey the facts are the facts.

Go Navy…Hoo Yah

Well any Marine who would say they don’t need the Navy is a darn fool. LCAC’s, corpsman, amphibious ships, medical, dental, chapel, supply, etc all come from the Navy. I like the Navy and would never say anything bad about them. I won’t talk bad about any service, heck I served in two of them. But each service has it distinct job; that’s why there are four services. Therefore, trying to compare two services or say one is better than the other is pointless.

Saying a boat team of Seals can do what it would take a battalion of Marines to accomplish is a ridiculous statement. And how could you say this is a fact? Could a Seal team defend a 1000 yard front. Don’t think so. Seals are special operation units, Marines are not. That would be like saying any Marine Air Wing can do the job that the Air Force does. I worked with a Seal team as part of the 15th MEU(Soc). Personally, I wasn’t too impressed. I don’t like sailors fighting on the land. To be fair, I don’t like Marines engaged in long land battles, that’s the Army’s job. I thought the UDT’s were great. They had a job only the Navy could do. But, I guess as times change, each service has to fight for a mission and thus all of these special operation units were formed. Heck, even the Marines have formed there own - ( ). I think there is just too much redundancy in the military.


Ahh Jessie I think that’s a women in your “Mens Department Poster” LOL.

Now the SEALs have a saying. " When a Woman can do my Job I’ll Quit"…

How many woman are in US Navy Submarines???. Now there is your real Mens Departments…

The USMC is really the Navy’s Unisex Dept. LOL

Now we have really got the ladies angry I think I’ll submerge and run silent now… Bye

I don’t see it as service bashing (just some good-natured joking), but if you don’t have some pride in your branch of service, then you shouldn’t be wearing the uniform.

I agree 100% with you Lemon Jello. Semper Fi Shipmate…

Actually I was drafted and joined the Navy, and never really liked it. I did like the Boats and all but never really liked being in the Navy. But I must admit that today I am proud of my service and have no regrets but I do find it a little amusing that I am defending the Navy’s position here 30 years after I got out… Hey most of my good shipmates at my local VFW were Mud Marines and I won’t hold that against them Tee hee hee…If I did they would kick my Butt…Thank Goodness for the Corp… otherwise they would be asking Sailors to do all that dirty work. We poke fun at each other all the time… It’s a forgone fact that the Navy and Marines will always argrue like the Brothers they are…they always did and will continue to do so long after we are all gone.

And I did overstate the Teams capabilities a little, but they are still regarded by most of the World’s military organizations as the Best of the Best and the “standard” that all Specop organizations aspire to. Especially DevGru SEALs who are the Teams 1st Team. ( Old Team 6)

SEALs, fill a need that no other SpecOp outfit can, And that is their all weather all location insert and withdraw capabilities via Land, Sea, or Air and specialized training in covert ops. Unfortunitly it’s a very small organization that is used in conjuction with CIA operations and Army SpecOps and Rangers. . Of course other Nations have similar outfits like the RN’s SMS and Norway’s Marine Jagers etc. But the US Military has only one outfit in that catagory.

And of course it’s a Navy outfit, you know…“the real Men’s Department” LOL…

Marine Corps Force Recon has the ability to insert and withdraw by land, sea or air also. They are jump qualified, HALO qualified, scuba qualified, insert by sub, helo, plane etc. Some are saying Force Recon is already in Iran. The interesting thing about Force Recon is that they don’t promote themselves. You don’t see movies about Force Recon or hear former Force Recon Marines on FoxNews or CNN. You don’t see specials on the History Channel, National Geographic, or Discovery Channels either. These guys maintain an extremely low profile. I don’t thnik most people have ever heard of them.


HOLD ON NOW! The SEAL’s and MARINE FORCE RECON do the same mission, so I do not know what you are talking about. I work with the SEALS and RECON boys all the time, so I know what they do.

What about Heartbreak Ridge?

I have the Honor of being a Dad to a E7 (QMC SEAL)… Pardon me guys with all due respect Force Recon is not SEAL never was and never will be. My Son has operated with several units in Afganistan, Iraq, and Bosnia and Samalia years back. He is several times Decorated and Neil FiFi Roberts of Robert’s Ridge fame was his swim buddy. As effective as Force Recon is they don’t get half the training SEALs do And their requirements are less than those that the Rangers require. There are hundreds of Force Recon Marines for every SEAL. I do know that SEALs have the greatest respect for Rangers and USAF Para Rescue as well as RN and RAN SMS and I have never heard him refer to Force Recon in the same catagory of SpecOp Operators…Force Recon is basicly Para Marines with some scuba training.and if a comparison is needed then a comparison to Army Airborne is in better order. Don’;t tell a SEAL or a Army Ranger for that matter that a Recon Marine is the same. I would love to hear their response.

Goodness I do respect the Marines and all who serve but lets be real

I’m for real, I’m the one that takes all of the SPEC OP guys in and out. I know what they do and do not do. And for one ARMY RANGERS are not that bad @$$.

I’m not , keeping this pissing contest going any more. But what do I know I just work with them for the last 10 yrs. I do not know any thing!!!