Just to let you guys know, I recevied a phone call from MRC that my Super Stallion will be released this week and I should expect to receive mine within the next 10 days… This was great news.
The best to all Davey5
Just to let you guys know, I recevied a phone call from MRC that my Super Stallion will be released this week and I should expect to receive mine within the next 10 days… This was great news.
The best to all Davey5
Just as long as all of you leave one on the shelves for me! This is good news for sure. Can’t wait to get my hands on one of these kits.
Sweet. I have some stuff I need to finish. All other projects are going to the back burner when I get my hands on one. Here’s a link to my photobucket page. It has 3 pages of CH-53E reference pics. I hope you can use them.
Semper Fi,
Thanks for the tip on your photos … I will use them for sure… I went ahead and ordered another 53 last night. Couldn’t help myself… I 'll yell as soon as it arrives… Have a great week everybody … The best
Chris, thanks for the terrific pictures. I’m really looking forward to this kit. I’m not sure where I’m going to put it when I’m done though. When I get the kit, I thought I might try to make a decal of some of the door art in your pictures. Any objections? I’ll send you a copy if I do. Do you know which artwork goes with which tail number? Thanks, Phil
No objections here. I don’t remember the berough numbers, but I can get them. The modexes, I do remember. Most of those crew doors changed A/C a few times, but Natural Born Killers (Calvin & Hobbes) was on aircraft 04 in Afghanistan in 2001, then on 16 from OIF 2003 to 2005. Vulgar Display of Power (Skeleton in Dress Blues) was on aircraft 05 and 06 for OIF in 2003. Voodoo Child was on aircraft 12 in the fall of 05. Whatever door art you choose, let me know and I’ll get you the modexes and make a phone call for the Burough Numbers. There was a time when I had everyone of my BN memorized, but I forgot alot with celebratory beers. Those clovers are relatively new addition. They were added to 464 aircraft in late 2005 - early 2006. The clover’s stem always faces aft on the aircraft. My buddy Pat (an Irishman) painted them on.
Semper Fi,