CH-47D Conversion Progress Pics

Well here you go. Not much ‘progress’ i would imagine, but i figured i would show off what i’ve done so far. Still a looooooooong ways to go.

Comparison of the two halves with/without aft pylon, c-box door, forward pylon removed. I will later remove the ‘toilet seat’ cover on the c-box to expose that as well. I will build the foward and aft pylons as separate assemblies. This allows me better access to detail the foward and aft transmissions and aft ramp area. Plus this is how these pylons are removed on the real a/c.

Cabin area thus far

Cockpit area (thrown together for pic). This is the Cobra Company’s CH-46 detail set which i had to modify. I will do further modification in the weeks to come.

Original cabin doorway was too long, so i had to add a small piece of styrene to shorten it up.

Left side showing re-worked emergency exit, and exposed battery compartment. You can also barely make out the exposed #1 engine work platform area.

That’s it for now. Will keep you posted.

…and yes, i know i should put a site together to document my build.

Happy now Frank!? [:D]

Most impressive, keep us updated on this one. Can’t wait to see the progress and the completed model. Thanks for sharing.

Now we’re talking! [tup] The thing about re-doing one of those kits, is that it almost requires a website to catalog the m a n y steps that’s involved.
This is gonna be great, [bow] can’t wait to see it mature, thanks Jeff!

Take care,

Looks great! I can’t wait to see it done, thanks for sharing.

Looks good Jeff. E-mail me if you need any up-close & personal pics of anything. We’ve got several aircraft going through RESET (almost the same thing as STIR from the Desert Storm era) that are pretty well torn apart.

Chris Ish, who probalby will never build a CH-47 kit, as working on the real thing is enough for me…

wow. excellent work. i havent had the courage to attempt helos.


Contact me through the Cobra Company website. I have alot of stuff already made that will make building you D model a whole lot faster.

Chief Snake

Snake - you’ve got mail.
