CF-18 build progress

I just picked up the 1:48 hassegawa F-18C kit not too long ago and I have been itchin’ to get this bulid going. I had to mod the tail fins and open up the nose cone to put in the search light, to convert the bird to a CF-18A. I just got the office done this past weekend and have been working to get the essential pieces together so I can begin paint. I also added some custom seat belts to add some detail.

Heres some pics of the mods and my work so far. All comments and critisisms are welcome. Sorry no pics of office outside of fuselage.[#oops] Must of slipped my mind in the excitement![:D]

Tail mods & nose cone

Office & main fuselage:

Very nice work so far! What do you use for your drybrushing (inside the ‘office’)? I use artists’ oils (white and black, mixed); they are easy to work and blend ito the base paint.

I just use water based acrylics (something lighter than the base coat to add depth) along side an old tatered brush. The water based acrylics are an easy clean up if you make mistakes.[:D]