hey guys,i was just getting ready to do a canopy,the first i’ve coated with future and i was wondering if it’s still safe to apply Ambriod E Z Mask over the future as i would a normal uncoated canopie ,or do i need to hand paint the framework now because of this? thanks
Mask and paint away! As long as your future coat is 24hrs. old. No hand painting needed…
thanks,saw that in the complete future,but it wouldn’t let me delete this post
you might try the ambroids on some scrab clear sprue that has been futured just to make sure there is no reaction. I’ve not used it but I know one person here using a liquid mask had a problem with it doing something to the future. If it turns hazy re futuring will probably fix it, but then you would have to hand brush dull on the frame if it is a military craft.