Can someone ID this from this scan?

I don’t know an A from a Z. All I know is this is the one I am familiar with and want to build again if I can ever find it. For all I know maybe it’s not a detailed enough picture to determine. Only armament were the door guns.

Huey by Glenn Hanson, on Flickr

It looks like an -H to me, but I’m no expert.

Yup, a D or H long cabin slick. I don’t know the visual differences between the two types.

Maybe this could help…

What time (month/year) is the photo from? Any details about the photo?

The H had the pitot tube moved to the roof from the nose, for one thing.

It is a UH-1H. Pitot on roof, roof mounted blade and towel bar antenna, long body, etc.

Thanks guys. H it is. I was hoping there might be something obvious that tips it in.

Now I know the visual differences. I do know that the H has a more powerful engine. Thanks for the ID recognition features.

Alas there are non available, ideally in 1/35. I thought not. I guess they were not sexy enough to risk a production run.

There is a 1/35 option. You want to look for the Dragon 1/35 UH-1D kit. It has all the parts to build a UH-1H as well. Actually, the boxart shows a UH-1H on it.

Here is a review of it:

It is a pretty good kit. The rivets are the biggest issue as they are oversized, but they can be sanded a bit to knock them down. With some TLC, it can come out nicely. You do have to know which options to use for which version you want to build as the instructions do not point it out. There are parts in the kit to build just about every version from an early D model to a late H model.

I have builta couple of them.

White Sands Missile Range SAR UH-1H

More here:

UH-1H Vietnam MedEvac

More here:

Kitty Hawk is also supposed to be coming out with a 1/35 UH-1 series. We’ll see how theirs are, but they should be nice. Their 1/35 MH-60L, HH-60G, and M/AH-6J/M kits are awesome.

There is also the Kitty Hawk 1/48 UH-1D kit as well. It too can be built as a D or H and is very nice. Review here:

Thanks Gino. I remember bookmarking a build on that Kitty Hawk kit. You’ve probably seen it no doubt.

Revell also has a 1/32 H model Huey. All the large scale D/H Hueys have accuracy issues as does unfortunatly the new Kitty Hawk 1/48 one. I hope those are addressed before they bump it up to 1/35. I have a copy of the Revell kit if interested.

Yup, I have seen Floyd’s awesome build. He did a great job on it.

I also agree with midnightprowler. The Revell 1/32 UH-1H kit can be made into a nice model as well. I have built a few of them too. All the Huey kits have some issues or flaws though. Oh well, it is modeling, no kit is perfect. Fixing them is half the fun.