calling on all italeri experts

i am wondering what i really have here

i went to a yard sale and for $4.00 us i picked up a 1/35 scale pzkw iv

it was in a bag but the bag was a factory sealed bag it looked good. stapled to the bag was instructions for the italeri ( model # 236) pzkw iv ausf h

molded in dark green

so now that i opened it this model has no side armor as the ausf h has

the inst call out 2 diff drive sprocket options only 1 on sprues

the inst only show 1 gun barrel the sprues have 2 different kinds

and the figures are diff on the sprues than the inst

i mean for 4 bucks it was a steal but what did i steal

Italeri also did a Panzer IV ausf F/ausf G, the long barreled version. That’s why there are two barrels and no schurzen. This variant had the older type of drive sprocket with the bulbous center. I think someone attached the wrong directions (ausf H)

Sounds like the kit is really the Ausf F1/F2/G kit and someone just put the Ausf H instructions in with it. Should get you the 85% solution on building the kit.

thanks guys for the info

Still for $4, not a bad deal.

no for 4 bucks i still can complain[:D]

i started the 3 figures in the kit each has separate arms so that is 3 lefts 3 rights at least on most people, the sprue contains 4 lefts and 2 rights

so i did a little surgery on 1 guy, but not being a doctor i did not do a great job and the little guy is not happy with the scares so i have decided to put a pc of cloth like a sling over the mess to make it look better