CA glue holder I made

I made this simple CA glue holder that works great for doing small projects without using a lot of CA.
I took a piece of 1/4" plywood and stuck some foam tape to the bottom for grip and then CA glued one of those tapered washers that you see in the picture to it. I then cut about a 1" square of aluminum foil and press it into the washer forming a small cup to hold a drop or two of CA. I then put a piece of masking tape on each end to keep the foil in place. All you have to do when you are finished is pull the foil off and replace it with a fresh piece.
I hope this may come in handy for some of you looking for an easier way to hold a few a few drops of glue without wasting a bottle cap each time.

The pieces used:

Ready to use:


Good idea Mike! I usually just tear off a small piece of masking tape and put a few drops on that. I kind of like this better as I’m sure I wouldn’t be putting my right forearm into the glue as often with your idea.

Thanks Josh.

I also just put a beer bottle cap over it to keep from getting your arm in it and it also keeps it from drying up as fast when I have the ceiling fan going in the room.


All very good ideas … [swg] … thanks for sharing … [^]

great idea mike, another one for the records.

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the kind words.
Actually just putting a drop or two on a piece of masking tape as maddafinga mentioned does work well also, but I find that a lot gets wasted as it spreads around and dries. This little holder I made keeps it all in the same 1/4" circle which makes it easy to dip a toothpick or a Microbrush in it. [;)]


This is a great idea Mike.


cool…wheres my wood…


I use plastic cups (the ones they give you pill and liquids in at the hospital) for mixing my paints and several years ago noticed that they had a depressed area in the bottom (when you turned them over) that is about the size of what you have with the upholstry washer and tinfoil that you made (which by the way is a great idea). I place my CA in the recess and it works great - and when I’m finished and the CA is dry, I can still use the cup to mix paints in.

Thanks Quincy.
That is a good idea also. [tup]


Thats a great idea. I made one out of cardboard and a bottle cap. It works great too.

Super, I hate it when I put a drop or two on a flat surface and it bleeds all over. I’ll try this idea.


the way i do it is everytime someone in our house pop a pill (take medications), i alway save the medicine tablet packing specially with the wider cavity and use this to put a few drops of glue, after done, just throw is away. now, on my inventory are about fifty of these.

Great ideas, i’ll have to try one (or all).

I like it [:)] I like it [:D][8D][:D]

Really cool idea, I am going to raid the stockroom here at work in a few minutes. This place/forum is a great place. I wish I had this a long time ago when I first started builing. Maybe I would be alot better than I am right now.


Good idea indeed. As soon as i get my fingers unglued, i’ll have to make one. [:D]

Some very innovative solutions for dealing with CA…I’ve been using just the little tiny bottle of Testor’s CA that I picked up at the LHS but this type of container sounds much more user and clean-up friendly!