Here’s my first model in several years, a 1/72 scale Italeri C-47, and I would like to get any constructive criticism I can. I’ve used model master paints and tried a little airbrushing to check my seams and putty work. Once I get this painted, I need to add invasion stripes, which should be a lot of fun. I’ve been doing a lot of reading recently, so at least I feel prepared for the challenge. I’m fairly happy with it so far, but I wish I had done a better job on the seams: too much putty and a lot of sanding. I plan on displaying it with the port door open. Any suggestions or comments, please feel free. It will all help.[:)]
“Putty is a part of the program” Expecially with an Italeri kit.
The C-47 is looking great. I recommend cleaning the model with a little dishsoap and water, then spraying the model with pimer. The primer will highlight any imperfections and problem areas with the putty. The primer will also allow your color coats to stick better. If you find and fix any imperfections after the first application of primer, reprime the areas you fixed before adding the color coat. Tamiya makes a good primer, but it’s expensive. I like to use Citadel primer, which is made for Warhammer stuff. It too is expensive. Some people have used spray can primer from Wal-Mart with good results.
Putty is a standard for a good build, and IMHO, you have done very well on your seams. As the others have stated, primer is the key to a good paint job. I check my seams with a brush coat of silver on the putty seams, then snad it off and prime with a good enamel primer (yes, WalMart rattle cans will work, just go lightly with it). Then you can lightly sand with really fine grit (1000-1200) wet and dry paper to produce a super smooth surface, than go to town with the a/b. Pleas post progress pics, and thanks for sharing! Nice work!
Looking good so far. I use the K-mart fresh and easy grey primer, it’s only about $1.20 a can.
Did you hear that the invasion stripes weren’t put on until the last minute? This meant using anything from brushes to brooms to put on the stripes. The results were for the most part, ruff and could be a little uneven. No time for a perfect paint job. I think Band Of Brothers had a couple close up shots of the C-47s and you could see what kind of paint job they ended up with.
I appreciate all the comments! Thanks! I thought I had heard that the stripes were painted on quickly and imperfectly. I wonder how to duplicate that? I have Band of Brothers, so maybe I can take White paint brushed on doesn’t look so good, so it might be best to airbrush but have the adjoining colors with uneven and/or overlapping edges. I have my bottle of Future and paint, so I’m ready to tackle it. I’ll post some new pictures after I get a further on. Thanks again for the suggestions.
Nice work there! I must have used like half tube of putty while buidling a trumpeter kit. I’ve also heard that invasion ID stripes were painted in rush to meet the invasion deadline.
One more suggestion, when you finally finish building this kit, make sure you add some 1/72 paratroopers. [:D] Airborne Infantry all the way!