Hey evryone. I am thinking of buying an airbrush but I don’t know what to look for. I have never used one before so I don’t know what to get a single action or a dual action and what is a good brand. So if anyone can help thanks.
I personally use a Badger 200 single action and a Pasche VL dual action.
The single action is easier to use but the dual action is more versatile. IMHO,
both are excellent. A word of warning though. This is purely personal preference.
Everyone who uses an airbrush has their favorites and will hotly defend their choice. But, you’re in luck…There is so much expertise on these forums that you will be offered much help and many choices…all good. These folks are some of the best I’ve run across.
I use a Badger Crescendo 175 dual action, and I really like it. Well balanced, easy to clean and maintain.
I use the Badger 100 Dual action - Internal mix and a Sotar 20/20 Dual Action - Internal Mix Gravity feed. I have airbrushed for 30+ years and would suggest that it would be hard to go wrong with most of the Badger brushes. They are proven, durable and parts are readily available if you ever needed them.
I’m considering one of follow to buy:
Badger Anthem
Badger 360.
Which one would you guys recommand?
I would buy a double-action and choose from the following:
Thayer & Chandler Omni or Vega
Iwata Eclipse or Revolution
Badger Anthem, 360 or Matrix
Others that are noteworthy are the Badger Crescendo, and Paasche VL but I personally don’t like the fat-bodied airbrushes.
Only you can make that decision. Do you need an airbrush that will work as a gravity feed as well as a siphon feed? If so then choose the 360. If you want a siphon feed only then go with the Anthem. If you want a gravity feed only then look into the Omni 4000, or 5000 and also the Vega 1000 or Iwata Eclipse models.
I to am in the exact same predicament. I am looking at buying a Paache VL double action tommorow. If anyone has had much experience with this airbrush could you please give me your opinion about it.
Ok you guys are the airbrush experts (especially MikeV), so is gravity feed better than siphon feed? Not just in performance but also ease of cleaning? Any difference?
Also, can both the 360 and the Anthem take care of all my modeling needs? From fine to large spray. Thanks.
The main difference in a gravity feed is that it can spray at lower pressures because the paint is fed by gravity alone and does not need to be siphoned from a tube as the siphon-fed airbrushes do. I would say that the gravity fed airbrushes are a little easier to clean because the color cup is not removable and there is no siphon tube to have to clean.
In regards to the 360 and the Anthem taking care of your needs, I would say yes unless you plan on painting freehanded murals on 1/48 scale aircraft. [:D] [;)]
What exactly do you want the airbrush to do? That will help decide which to buy.
Desert Fox,
I learned to airbrush with the VL. They are a good airbrush and parts are usually easier to find than any other brand, at least that’s true here in the US. I just like the smaller diameter airbrushes better which is why I got rid of mine. The only thing I didn’t like about them was the two-piece trigger which has a pivot pin on the trigger where the air plunger attaches to it. It is a little difficult to get back into the air plunger hole after cleaning because it wants to swivel left and right on you while you are pushing it down. You get the hang of it after a while though.
Are there any other airbrushes available that you can consider?
I just bought a Badger 360 kit off Ebay for $100. Is it a good deal?
Hey guys, I just tested my compressor yesterday. It’s relatively new and is a Badger. I bought it a year ago but haven’t really used it that much. The max PSI I can get it up to is 35. Isn’t this a little low?
Not really. 15 - 20 PSI is the normal range for airbrushing model paints.
That depends on which kit you bought.
Here are Dixie Art’s prices: