Bunch o' questions

But rather than create a million separate threads, I’ll lump them here, in some kind of order:

(1) I am building an Italierie (sp) Hetzer kit and having a blast in the process. However I have some questions:

(1a) Would any have survived in time for the defense of berlin? I’m asking becuase of camo schemes.

(1b) There is marked a “342” on top of the mantlet of the gun…what does it mean and am I supposed to remove it?

(1c) The side skirts on the tank, how do I bend them up without breaking the plastic?

(2) I want shubbery!!! And not the kind that says “knee!” either…what out there is realistic?

(3) Are there 1/35 scale tools and boxes, etc that can be had?


Hi, AD![:)]

I’m no Hetzer expert, but I’ll take a stab:

(1a) I think so.
(1b) That’s a casting number, and it should be there.
(1c) You could heat 'em and bend 'em, sand 'em really thin and bend 'em, or exchange them for PE and bend 'em.
(2) Chek out the railroad section in the hobby shops. Oh, you said “realistic”…
(3) Sure! I think Tamiya has some tool sets in 1/35, and I’m sure tons of manufacturers do, too.

And there ya have it!

As for question on. The Hetzer would have been over-matched by the Soviet
armour that was pouring into berlin.
A hetzer up against a JS-II would have been a real quick way to die.
But, the concept for a Berlin camo pattern does sound interesting.

Shrubbery? Attack a teabag for miniature leaves and white-glue it to a twisted wire tree shaped thing…

Issah, keep in mind that the most numerous armored vehicle the Germans had at war’s end was the Stug III, there were plenty of Hetzers floating around too.