Built Models

I am back into building models and would like to know…What do all of you model builders do with your completed models??Where to store them? I don’t have enough space to display a lot of models.

Fortunately(or unfortunately) I dont’ have that many models displayed at this time and they fit on my bookcase. I gave my son many of my older less quality kits to play or display. Someday I hope to have some shelves put up in my hobbyroom.

I’ve got a bookcase set up to display my models and I also have a couple on display at my job and at my local hobby shops.

I have 2 distinct areas for display in my home.
Our modelling / computer room is where I do most of my building and it’s also where I display the bulk of my models. I have shelves that encircle the room so I can display quite a few models. The storage room that we have is where I keep the balance of the models. They are also on shelves but not as nicely displayed. This is where I display models that are not quite up to snuff (like all the German stuff I built before I saw the what true armour modelling was … LOL).

Another good place for displaying models of military items is your local Veterans Association or some museums are more than willing to display models.

Ratboy (what?),
Most of the models I make I sell, so storage or display space is someone else’s problem - but the ones I keep are either behind glass in a display case at home, or stored carefully in boxes awaiting the purchase of a new house with more floorspace (or rooms) to allow more cases to be built.
Now all I have to do is figure out what to do with all those unbuilt kits still in their boxes…

I have 2 bookcases for display at home, and there’s plenty of room left on them for more models. Some of my kits are on display at the local hobby shop ( my attempt to promote the hobby ). If you decide to do the latter with any of your kits, make sure they’re far from any windows. My Polish MiG-19 now has pink and white insignias on one side thanks to sunlight.

How do you sell your models? Do you make good money with it? leemitcheltree

I suspend mine from some simple wire rigging hanging from teh (12 foot) ceilings in my home office…this is why i build my planes with the gear up…so they look like they’re flying!

Are you suggesting that I actually finish and display my models???[:D]

I have a small studio that I display some of my models. I also sell a lot of them. I build by commission. I also have some on display at the U.S. Army Transportation Museum at Ft. Eustis Va. I have a couple on display at the local hobby shop in my home town.

The top of my dresser is starting to crammed. Dad’s supposed to be making me a headboard and footboard where I can start filling it up. I wouldn’t even dream about putting mine in the hobby shop, they don’t have room to walk in the aisles (well, almost)

I put them in every nook and cranny in the house that isn’t taken up by a horse statue. I’ve gone so far as to move some of the horses to make room for my models (the wife doesn’t like that)

I did get over on her with my model of the USS Arizona I put it in her cabinet that “Only my horses go in there.” I did it by telling her that I had a friend going to build me a case and it would only be in there a little while. That was about a year ago and I haven’t heard about it yet.

I’ve got a couple of bookcases at home, but often I display my model at hobby shops and military museums…

ratboy -
Two very large curio cabinets. They are in a separate computer/model room, and my wife has almost gotten used to it. No matter how much space you have, there will never be enough. Try getting creative, for example, if you have three of the same or similar aircraft models, or aircraft that you want to display together, have two on the shelf and one on a stand, “ifnflight” so to speak. That way you have three planes in the space of two. Model cars can be stacked in display cases or you can make a rack to display one over another. A little wood and inginuity can go a long way.

Archer out.

Some of my plane models I display from the ceiling. Other models at times I will do kits that I know friends or family would like to have.The one model that is on display all the time is the first one I ever built. The rest end up somewhere in the house and then eventually at the flea market

I have a rather good sized display case in my living room. Still working on getting the lights installed for it, though.