Buffing metalizer

Hi there!!!
I have a quetion, I would like paint my black widow with MODEL MASTER Aluminium plate buffing metalizer. (I buy one but I never try paint anything) and I want know if is safe use future to seal the paint, I´m asking because I Would like try the “weathering with salt” tecnique.


not sure about using the future. i don’t even use the metalizer sealer because the articles i’ve read in fsm say it dull the natural metal look. as far as buffing goes, i have the best luck with using a moto tool (dremel) with a 1/4"x 1" dia. felt pad gives it a very high sheen, how ever takes some practice to get the right feel.
sounds like a you have a unique idea though.
might try directing this to paul boyer at fsm.


I don’t know how it will work for the salt technique, (I’ve never tried it) but I’ve used the buffing metalizer on gear bays, inside flaps, etc. , sealed with future, given a wash, then Testors Dullcoat. The Future DOES kill the “sheen,” but I dry brush with MM Chrome silver. These wheel wells were done that way.

If metalizer sealer will dull the metal finish, then what’s the best way to achieve a realistic metal finish?? I need this info because I’m doing a 1/6 motorcycle and I need a good finish for the engine.

You may want to look int Bare Metal Foil for that. FSM also did an article on using household foil. I can’t remember which issue it was, but there was a beautiful NMF P-38 on the cover.

the p-38 appeared in FSM july 2002

to pixilater:
exellent work that plane I´m a jap plane fan! but you may want try apply a dark wash in the gear bay and struts, it will look great!


Thanks ! There actually is a wash there, only iy is difficult to see from this angle. Its most apparent if you look at the ovals next to the gear legs. The scribing on this kit (Hasegawa 1/48 Ki 84 Frank) is PERFECT for a wash. I didn’t do any “paint chipping,” so I left the wells w/o dirt. Glad you like it ! I have a few more Japanese kits on the rongeorge gallery, aircraft, pg. 3&4, if you’re interested.

Yes I´m intested in the pics.


the linko to the web is:…???


I’m sorry. I thought you knew about the image gallery here. You can upload pics here, & view other’s work. There are many catagories here (click on “Moedlling” in the top right to view the catagories). Instructions are listed under the “Sticky” headline in the General Modeling page. Here’s the link to the pics.http://rongeorge.com/modules/Gallery/aircraft