BT torpedos

Hi. I’m looking for info. on German BT air-droppd torpedos as tested on F.W.-190’s at the end of W.W ll. i have a plan to use a spare BT-1400 from the 1/72 Dragon Ar-234C but do not know if it was self-powered or just used gravity.

I just did a quick google search and came up with this…hope it helps!:

Thanks mostljets, I already found this one, but thanks for your time. I’m looking for historical info on construction and testing of BT weapons. You know how it is, once you get it in your brain, it just festers until you find all there is on the subject.

Heya dogsbody…

Try posting at this board-- these guys have helped me tens of times with my projects:

Yo Jeeves… Thanks , I’ll check it out right away