If you don’t have your heart set on a shark mouth 112 Squadron Kittyhawk, there are these sheets from the AMtech P-40E kit that offer a couple Deseert War Commonwealth squadron options for sale on eBay.
Thanks for the reply. But I did see those. I do want the shark mouth as it would like nice on the shelf next to my P40-C Flying Tiger scheme.
I may resort to something like that eventually. Or I may just use an “incorrect” shark mouth and make the aircraft as close as I can - stencil the ID letters on the side etc.
In that case, if you get yourself some RAF code letter decals in the appropriate size and color you can do it yourself. Get a shark mouth from one sheet, RAF roundels and fin flashes elsewhere.
Ultracast has the Barracuda sheet in stock on their site. But it is stupid expensive.
Tom-I’ve got that sheet and am not going to use the sharkmouth, eyes, serial number & GAV lettering-it’s actually middle stone & dark earth-it was delivered as dark green & dark earth, with the dark green over painted with middle stone.
Send me a message with your mailing address and they’re yours.