Brand new to Modeling

Hello everyone my name is Ryan I am 27 and just started “trying” to make model airplanes. I was introduced to modeling by my father in law who runs attic aircraft, model modifactions done with resin through ebay. He works mostly with 1/48 scale so thats what want to start. I really have no idea about modeling so any tips would be great. Thanks

Basic tools are a start. Swanny has a thread called Modeller’s Toolbox. Some basic ones are

Exacto type knife with plenty of #11 blades

Fine Sandpaper and a three-way sanding stick from cosmetics is handy


Paintbrushes-An assortment of the smaller sizes 0, 1, 2 is a good start for brush paints I build 1/144 (it’s a third the size of 1/48) and actually have and use a 10/0 brush.

and an open mind-you’d be amazed at what you’ll end up using.

[#welcome] to the forum! Pull up a keyboard and stay a while.

Look around the tool and technique forums, lots to learn. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, even ones you might think are stupid. DO use the search engine first though, that way you won’t have to ask so many and wait for the answers!

I’ve been doing this for a while now, and still “try” to make model airplanes! LOL!!

Welcome to our (and yours now) addiction. Hope to see some good work and you’ll have all the help you need here.

Welcome to the forums.

Hey Ryan,

Don’t forget to check out the “Articles” section of this web site.

Also, please take a look at the “Tools 'n Tips” section of the Aircraft Resource Center web site. There’s a lot of great stuff there that really has helped me as a beginning modeler.

Regards, and have fun!

Thanks for all the great tips