Braille Scale BTR 80 finished

I finally finished this little guy on Thursday. The kit is from Trumpeter. It went together well, with just a little puttying and sanding. There was a little bit of flash, but nothing serious. It’s straight out of the box. The only changes I made were drilling out the exhausts and the main armament. It was painted with Tamiya acrylics, washed with artists water colors, and dusted and dirtied with Mig pigments, a little dirt and some acrylic binder. The tool were done with coloring pencils. Comments are always welcome. Thanks for looking.


Your little APC looks great! This is the first example of this kit I have seen built up, so when I build mine at least I have some finished pics to refer too.

Are the tyres plastic or vinyl as per Trumpeter’s usual practice?

I do feel that Braille scale does not get as much exposure as the wonderful larger scale projects which is a pity. More builds such as yours are like finding an oasis in the desert [:)]



Thanks for the feedback Mike. It’s a good little kit. Very little in the way of problems. The tyres are vinyl. If there was one thing that needed improving, I’d say the fit of the tyres and hubs. There is a gap around the outside of the hub, between the hub and tyre. It wasn’t somewhere I could put putty. I decided to weather it a little more heavily.