" Braile scale armor Vacation GB" June 17/06-June 30/06

Welcome all to the Braile Scale Armor Vacation GB the premise behind the build is simple take a small scale armor model and see what you can do with it in 2 WEEKS! On to the rather simple set of rules

(1) Kit must be “small scale” including 1/72,1/76& 1/87

(2) May be any manufacturer(of kit) Nationality (of vehicle) and Era ( WWI&II,Korea,Middle East,Vietnam & post Nam to present

(3) ANY Military ground vehicle & or Artillary is welcome ( inc jeeps,trucks,antiaircraft weaponry,artillary,tanks & APC’s

(4) Any AM & Scratchbuilt Detail welcome

(5) The “Deadline” date is just a guide if you need a little more time go ahead and take it It’s Not written in BLOOD Ya know the 2Week part is just a Challange to yourself

(6) And the final and most IMPORTANT RULE HAVE FUN !!!

The start date is Sat June 17/06 through Fri June 30/06 Hope to see you there just follow the link below to the thread in the GB forum


Count me in. I’ll be building the 1/72 Mirage M3 Lee in Fort Benning colors. I’m getting tired of both Panzer Yellow and Panzer Gray from the long term German build. [C):-)] The kit will be out of box…since the detail is very nice in the box.

Off the record, I may use the extra parts on the sprues of the Mirage kit to update a Hasegawa Lee at the same time.

You know about my vacation time constrainst from the other group built. Thanks for setting this one up.
