Bradley update

Hey-ho all…

Just an update on my Tamiya M2-A2 Bradley. So far I tried a NATO camo scheme, but it wasn’t working for me, so off we went with desert camo. Luckily enough the M1 Abrahms tank paint 'n weather article recently came out just in time for me to pick up some pointers. The base colour is Tamiya desert yellow and a burnt umber wash, so far.

From what I see, it’s looking like a great build. Kinda tough to see the wash really good with the lighting though. It might be that the house you are shooting against is a lighter color and pretty reflective.

Keep us posted on the progress!!! [:p]

I’ve been in conversations with a number of “hard core” modellers who have the opinion that Modern Desert Modelling is “too easy” since most schemes start with a base sand color. To me, it’s more challenging to create an outstanding appearance with giving each vehicle a “weathered identity”. Load the vehicle up with stores and equipment, stain the paint with fluids, chip the paint according to weather, etc,etc, etc. The heavy streaking will make the “B” look like it’s been “rode hard and put away wet”. I’ve got a Bradley waiting for paint, that I’m going to start with a base of Tropical Camo and try to simulate the wear we’ve seen after these vehicles have weathered the storms in the Middle East. Your weathering looks great to me.

As per our previous conversations Michael … very nice workmanship. You’ve got a great looking build going here.

Thanks for sharing and please keep us posted as to the progress.

Thanks guys. Any tips are welcome! Don’t want it looking like a characiture…

Erock, yes, the house is pretty reflective, but I do do my best to keep it from being too reflective… Much to my girlfriends dismay.

Pathfinder, I tried to do this very same kit in the same scheme years ago, but with thinned enamels for a wash. Thats when I put it away and didn’t look at it until recently.

And here we are with an update:

its looking good

You got one sweet looking build going Michael.

Keep us posted please.