Hi, everybody
I’m looking for a detailed Bristol Blenheim IV cutaway drawing. Anyone knows source, where can I find it?
Thanks in advance
Hi, everybody
I’m looking for a detailed Bristol Blenheim IV cutaway drawing. Anyone knows source, where can I find it?
Thanks in advance
I scanned rhis in from Bill Gunston’s book “Classic WWII Aircraft Cutaways.” I hope that it’s what you need. I sized it to be printable, but if the resolution ( 100 ppi ) is not great enough, let me know and I’ll e-mail you a clearer drawing. Good luck on the plane !
Hi, Pixilater
Yes, this is what I was looking for, Thank You very much. The kit is infamous Airfix 1/72nd. I bought it to build up some scratchbuilding skills and this drawing gives all the neccessary information [:)] Thanks again
You’re welcome ! That book has a lot of great cutaways, and interesting ones as well. You have to be careful, though, as many “enemy” aircraft drawings were done from wrecks, and the info is sometimes pure speculation. Even some “friendly” aircraft were innacurate as well, owing to “national security.” Remember, a person with one reference is happy, and a person with two is confused ! Happy scratching !
Well, I guess I’ve just ran into this mess - some details in this drawing are rather mysthical [;)]. Oh well, since I’m not doing a model for an PMS show, this is not bad at all. But i have found this drawing:
and it shows some completely different details. I think, it is different version of a Mk.IV. Unfortunately, I managed to found only a small image. Maybe someone does have a larger one? It sais, that copyright belongs to “Aeroplane”.
Looks like you ran into the things I was talking about in my previous post. I’ll go back over the text (this book goes into great detail about the wartime operations of the book) and get back to you. Sorry if I caused you any confusion. But I guess that’s why they call it RE - SEARCH ! Pix.
Don’t worry - no trouble at all! You gave me what I was asking for, and warned to not trust it fully. I could not blame someone, who lend me a helping hand [:)]. As I have said - i’m doing this replica just for myself. I just noticed some differences between these two diagrams, and if it is possible, I would like to get the second one. Besides, reference pictures, that I have, also show some differences in cockpit area. I guess most of remainant Blenheims ar assembled from what was left after the war (who said that the same thing didn’t happen to other aircraft) and represent a mix of different versions and production batches.
The funny thing is, that canopy of this kit is very thick and distorting. If i won’t get one from Squadron, most of my scratchbuilding will be literaly invisible [:D].
If Squadron doesn’t make one, check out Falcon. They produce some beautiful vac canopies. The ones I have seen advertised are usually a set of canopies for different aircraft. You may get others that you could use. Good luck !
If you are curious to resolve the differences in details try Emailing the Canadian Warplane Heritage at www.warplane.com. They have a crew of guys 8 years into a Mark IV restoration project. Theirs is actually a Canadian built version that was called a Bolingbroke, and some of your drawing differences may be due to that.