Black and Yellow WW2 Target Tug Scheme

I am building a Bolingbroke Mk. IVT and will be painting it in this scheme (the one in my sig).

I just am not sure of what the stripes are like on the upper surface! Does anyone have any pics of aircraft in the same paint scheme that shows the upper suface of the aircraft! so far I have only been able to find profiles or oblique side views.

It doesn’t have to be a Bolingbroke or Blenheim pic. I have also seen Battles, Dakotas, and Hudsons in this scheme.

Help please!


You have the answer in front of you. Take the side view you have and enlarge it to the scale size of the kit. Cut pieces of masking tape to match the side view and stretch it over the upper portions and down the opposite side. This should match up fine. Mark the positions of the edges of the striping and remove the tape. Mask the yellow areas and apply the black stripes.



I thought of that for the sides but I am not sure about the width of the lines for the wing surfaces, I have seen some pics of a Battle that had different thickness black stripes on the wing. I just want to be sure before I go masking everything. I am almost ready to paint so I need to figure this out.



How about this for a reference

I found it on this website



Thank you Greg! you rock, that is what I’m looking for. [bow][tup]


That’s what the forum is for. ANSWERS!

I always look through the unanswered posts to see where I can help. No problem, I was happy to help I like a challenge as well. If I didn’t find this I was going to refer you to the Canadian Warplane Heritage here in Hamilton. They are currently restoring a Bolingbroke and would surely have had an answer or link as well.

Glad I could help. Post some pic’s when you are done.



Another outstanding example of one modeler helping another out of a quandry. Fantastic.

Darwin, O.F. [alien]

Greg, I’ve been to the CWH’s website numerous times looking for stuff but didn’t see this scheme anywhere there. I have, as a last resort, a friend who works at the Calgary Aerospace Museum and they have a modest library of aircraft books. I just have to find some time to get there, I might still do that to see what I can scare up…

You bet I’ll post some pics. This my second half of the Canadian GB. I hope to be done this build by the end of the month. The masking of the stripes is looking to be a good challenege and I still haven’t totally thought through on how to mask for the big fuselage serials that are yellow on black/black on yellow. I’ll figure something out.[swg]


Solution to this problem with colour over colour is fairly simple. Take a photocopy of your decals and use the photocopy cut out with a paper glue stick to adhere them during the painting. Paint the yellow first then the black.

The other way you could do this is to scan them into your computer and print them out on address labels from AVERY. These have the adhesive already on them and you can remove them without residue.

Hope this helps move you along a little faster.

