BIG gun..!

This is a picture taken after 3 days of work (i.e. 10 or so hours) of my future B.L. 15in Siege Howitzer. 12 of those little monsters were built and 6 to 10 took part to WWI on the Western front from 1915. Its range was rather poor though (10Km), and it was removed from service in 1919. In the meantime, the British fired with those guns over 25,000 1,400lb shells onto the Germans…

what scale is it?


That is a great scratchbuild! I assume by the figure in the foreground this is either 1/32 (54mm) or 1/35 scale.

Did you build this from photos or actual plans? 10 hours? I wish I could scratchbuild that well and that fast. I am currently scratchbuilding two projects. One is a First World War trenchline with a Canadian Highlander figure. The second is a Canadian Sherman Firefly Vc. with the complete interior scratchbuilt.

Post more photos as your work continues. I would be very interested to see the finished product. If I may make one suggestion. These guns were riveted and bolted together heavily. If you have not resolved a method to manufacture the rivets or bolt heads. I use a jeweler’s Beading Tool set (or Grainers) they are in various sizes and create round head bolts/rivets easily and quickly. There is a previous post of mine that describes these.

Best of luck with the build. Great and Unique Idea!!! I thought no one built from scratch anymore with the availability of aftermarket kits it is almost becoming a lost art.



Great model!

I’m sure I’m like everyone else in that I’d like more details on how you built it.


Thanks for the comments guys. Actually, the figure is from a 1/72 scale Emhar set, and the howitzer is likewise in 1/72. At that scale, adding little plastic disks to represent those numerous bolt and rivet heads cause problems… Too much glue, too thin plastic… So I use dimensional fabric paint applied, dot by dot, with a toothpick. The gun is eing built from 2 sets of scale drawings (not all agreeing on every aspects of the gun) a couple of illustrations (not necessarily agreeing in details with the scale drawings), and a handful of pictures (not necessarily agreeing either with any of the other data…!). It is still a fairly obscure subject nd therefore I can sometimes only hope that I’m doing the right thing. Asfar as materials are concerned, I start with plastic card, evergreen strips, plastic rods and tubes, add a bit of superglue gel and/or milliput for compound or difficult curves. The gun barrel is a section of an old brush (I do not have a lathe…). The basic shape, as shown on the pic, is there. It remains to add the details now. To be honest, so far, it;s the easiest artillery piece I’ve ever scratchbuilt.

incredibly nice work!

That’s realy cool, DJ (if I may call you that). It’s especially cool to see 1/72 scale WWI artillery!

Thanks for the additional information on how you’re building it. Please keep us updated with additional pictures.

By the way, I notice that you’re working on a couple of WWI land war projects. Are you familiar with the Landships web site?

It’s a site geared toward the kind of projects you’re doing.


Wow that is just ridiculous work considering the small scale. I’m stunned. Way beyond my scratchbuilding abilities.