Hello everyone. I have a question for you: does anyone know where I can find the Revell/Monogram pro-modeler BF-110 G-4 kit? also, is there any comparison between the pro- modeler kit’s detail and the detail of the Revell-Germany -110 G-2 kit or the Fujimi -110C/D kit? also, what decals are included with the revell germany kit? and finally, why were messerschmitt a/c designated as both BF- and ME- ? Thanks in advance.
That’s a lot of questions for one post [:)]. I’ll help on a couple. The ProModeler kit is OOP, so eBay, shows or specialty houses are your best bet. The Revell kit is from the same tooling as the ProModeler, so the detail is identical. The Fujimi kit is much older & has less detail OOTB, but builds up very nicely & there are AM goodies if you want to dress it up. It was reissued not too long ago so it’s generally available.
Regards, Rick
as for the Bf and Me designations, I believe they refer to where that variant was built, whether it was as the Bayerische Flugzeugwerke or after the company was re-organized as Messerschmitt AG (1939). All early models were built in the Bayerrische plant (Bf) and those built during the war (after 1939 I think) during the war as Messerschmitt (Me). The same goes for the Bf109 vs Me109.
Finally, check out Osprey Publication’s “Modelling the Bf-110” (yellow/white cover).
Before the author launches into builds of about 4 versions of the aircraft using the different kits, he does a comprehensive comparison of the Me-110 offerings out there, including Fujimi, Pro-Modeler, Revell, and Mauve.
Good luck!
Bf was the official Reichsluftfahrtministerium designation, since the designs were sent in by the Bayerrische Flugzeugwerke company. However, Willy Messerschmitt ran the BFW. Later the company was renamed to simply to Messerschmitt. Some late-war aircraft actually carried the Me designation stamped onto their aircraft type plates. Both the Me and Bf designations are considered accurate, although most refer to the 109 and 110 as Bfs.
For what it’s worth, I picked up the Revell AG version for a reasonable price (many websites offer it “on sale”) and was very impressed with the kit. Unless you want to super-detail, it has more than adequate detail both inside and out. Keep us posted as to which you select.
Okay, thanks guys! I’m going to get the Revell-germany kit, but maybe I’ll get the fujimi one a little farther down the line[:D]