I’m building a Tamiya 109 and I would like to use markings for Gerhard Schopfel’s yellow1 of 9.Staffel/JG26. I have a few books, including Osprey’s Aircraft of the Aces which has a color profile of this particular plane, but it shows it with yellow wingtips, rudder tip, and the tips of the horizontal stabilizers. I would like to find some photographic evidence of this, because all the other pictures I have found of 9.Staffel aircraft don’t show any indication of these yellow tips. If anyone knows of any reference material with either photos of this particular plane or other 9.Staffel planes it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There is a book titled:
by Chris Bishop and Jorge Rosado
It is available from militarybookclub.com
Tom T [C):-)]
Here’s a good book
JG 26, Photographic History of the Luftwaffe’s Top Gun by Donalk L. Caldwell published by Motorbooks International copyright 1994. ISBN 0-87938-845-5
On page 26 there is a black and whit photo that show the tail of the aircraft as kill marking are being painted on, the tips of horizontal stabs and rudder appear to be a different color than the camoflage. Also, on page 98 there is a color side view drawing showing the tips of the wings, horizontal stabs and rudder being yellow. The yellow one is forward of the national marking and a yellow vertical bar is aft. It also shows a yellow penant on the radio mast.
Squadron Signal BF-109 In Action Pt 1 (1044) has this same photo on page 40.
Goofing on the I-net I stumbled across this…
Hi, in Histoire & collections book on the 109 from 1936 - 42 it shows a Me109 9/JG26 B.O.B flown by Gerhardt Schopfel with yellow wing tips a small yellow wedge on tail fin. of interest is the small yellow pennant on the radio mast. Another thing is mentioned in that other books say he was also III/JG26 but this was August 1940 after taking over command from Galland.
I have also looked at the excellent Jagdwaffe series and found a picture of the aircraft he flew this time with the tail planes showing the yellow tips about mid august 1940. I guess whetther you show yellow tail planes or not you can still be correct.
I hope this helps you a little. Cheers Jim