Does anyone have detailed information (images or sketches) of the headrest armor glass placed in the Erla Haube (or Galland) cockpit? My aircraft is a G-14 AS version flown by ANR Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana in 1944-45. Thanks in advance
According to the Squadron/Signal Messerschmitt Bf 109 In Action, Part 2, the Bf 109 late G-5 through the K-4 had the same back armor and armored glass arrangement. There was no headrest. There are very clear drawings of this on pages 39 and 48. [;)]
I’m sorry that I cannot post these pictures, I do not have a scanner. You should be able to get this publication in any good hobby shop. If you cannot find it in your area[:(], certainly Squadron Mail Order has it. [:)]
Sorry Pete, I didn’t answer to your kind replay. It was my first time on the forum and I really didn’t how to replay to you. Then I forgot it. Your hints were very useful and I am still searching for that book. In Italy many friends of mine (modellers) don’t know that Squadron made 2 books about the Bf.109… Thanks a lot again