What would you guys say is the best spraypaint for cars? Im probaly going to be getting the 1/25 amt31966 America Graffiti:56 Thunderbird, and i want a 50’s color for the car. Maybe like a minty blueish greenish color, or a nice creamy white. Any tips? What colors do you think would look cool? And did i post this in the right place?[:)]
You could use pearl white, that would look cool. That first quetion is gonna get alot of diferent questions, because one person is gonns think differently about paint than another. I personally like dupli-color, plasto-kote, and testors rattle cans.
If you want to go for a realistic look, keep in mind that back in the 50’s there weren’t a lot of colors to choose from. A few shades of blue, green, and brown, and the basics (red, white, black) were about it. Anything else had to come from a custom shop. You didn’t have colors like Bright Atlantic Pearl Teal Alabaster Salmon Frost, you had Light Blue.
In the mid to late 50’s / early 60’s the color choices were still relatively basic, but there started to be a lot of custom work going on. The translucent “Candy” colors like Candy Apple Red, blue, and green were the thing. It went from there to “Metal Flake” and then metallics.
Close enough[8D] The guys in the cars forum might be able to give you a better idea of what brands of paint work best.
Switch1625 ,there’s asite called autocolorlibrary.com that shows color chips for all kinds of cars’including you T-bird. You’d be amazed at what was available in the 50’s. Testor’s MM has quite a few colors that’ll look good.
I picked up a can of the Krylon Fusion paint and was amazed at how well it went on. It’s not like any other spraypaint I’ve used before. Very smooth, comes out thin, nice gloss, and I couldn’t scratch it off with my fingernail when it was dried. I have heard it’s incompatable with other paints though, bummer. Here is the color list for fusion from the krylon website. I’ll stop now, I’m sounding like a commercial for Krylon [:o)][:D]
Almond - 2437
Black - 2421
Blonde Shimmer - 2339
Blue Hyacinth - 2333
Burgundy - 2325
Burgundy - 2425
Buttercream - 2334
Dover White - 2322
Dover White - 2422
Espresso - 2340
Espresso - 2436
Fairytale Pink - 2331
Gloss Black - 2321
Gloss White - 2320
Honeydew - 2335
Hunter Green - 2324
Hunter Green - 2424
Khaki - 2438
Navy - 2326
Navy - 2426
Nickel Shimmer - 2338
Patriotic Blue - 2329
Pewter Gray - 2439
Pumpkin (Safety) Orange - 2337
Red Pepper - 2328
River Rock - 2323
River Rock - 2423
Spring Grass - 2327
Sun Dried Tomato - 2332
Sunbeam - 2330
Twilight - 2440
White - 2420