best model

Hi guys,
I’ve been doing a lot of models, but I want to know which is the best model you ever did?[:D]

My personal favourite was a kit I did about 8 years ago.

I back-dated a Tamiya Churchill VII to a III with a scratch-built interior. It’s one of the few times that I built a kit to represent an actual vehicle based on a picture.
It represents a Canadian Churchill at Dieppe.

well the best model i ever did would either be the Tamiya 88mm gun or Stug III G and maybe the sherman. for ships it would be a USS Missouri, and for cars it was a 1969 Camero SS convertible, soon to be one of the US Army sponsered Top Fuel Drag Racer which I saw in the Mile High Nationals about a week ago, quite impressive[:0].

Tamiya’s 1/35 German motorcylce with sidecar. I used it in diorama and had soldiers pushing it through the mud. I won a couple of competitions with it. I was really proud of that model and diorama. I had worked so long and hard on it. It took trophys in the diorama class (against some pretty nice pieces done by adults at the time), junior modelers class and an award for best new modeler.

Sadly it was lost. A victim of my fathers overexhuberance to get rid of things in the house when he and my mom retired and moved. Ah well. Maybe I could redo that piece from years gone by.


Intresting madels!

Lets see… I scratch-built a 1/700 scale USS Vincennes many years back (I was about 80% complete when Skywave shoved a kit down my throat), and sometime in the early 90s, a 32nd scale Revell F-18 updated to the FA-18A standard (new leading edges, hardpoints, cockpit, LEX, etc.; and then Academy comes along).

But Id like to believe that the topic answers only the best built YET. Hopefully, we should all come out with even better models as time goes on.


That is one fine Churchill! Very nice!

My best model was a DDR T-72 in a new camo scheme that was just beginning to be seen on DDR armor. The model has a basecoat of green, then is covered with splotches of light grey and black. For this kit I used a Modelpoint barrel, Eduard p/e and an Anubus resin T72m1 (early) turret. I finished it earlier this year and I have been very happy about the kit. This was the first time I had used several aftermarket sets. The Anubus turrets are very good and I’d like to eventually get a couple more of them.

Tough question. As far as AFVs are concerned, I still have a very soft spot for my T3 Christie…

It was a project I did a few years back now, the inspiration coming from an article in a FSM issue. The author scratchbuilt a 1/35 model and I wanted to do something a bit more complicated, so I scaled down to 1/72 and opened up everything.

Everything, even the wheels are scratch. My pride was the radiator’s fan, but it can barely be seen… [:)]

I now know of a few things that could be better on this model, but I still like looking at it. It’s also the kit that got me ‘noticed’ at a show and started my ‘career’ as a professional modeler.

DJ: nice work !
RE: my best model…i think my first 2 pieces of armor turned out pretty well, but i hope my next piece will be better ! [:)]

Hey djmodels1999 did you like forget to put the tracks on your T-3 Christie?

The best model I’ve done it’s quite likely a B1 Centauro. The model itself is quite crappy so I had to scratchbuild almost all of the details, heavily modify the turret and much more. I am quite happy with the final result and I feel this model really “mine”

More pic can be seen here:

Well spotted, T-34…! But in fact the Christie tanks, as well as the Soviet copy and further developments (the BT series) were designed to be able to run on their tracks or on their wheels. If you look carefuly, the last road wheel is connected to the drive sprocked by a chain (like on a bicycle), which allows the tank to move. As you can also see, the track is then stored over the mudguards until it’s time to put them back on.

I would consider this my best…

And it’s not even German Armor[;)]

That looks nice Erock. Is that 1/35?

DJ: i remember seeing this model the first time i logged on to FSM and being totally blown away by it…definitely 1/35 !
your work is also inspiring me to try and do better modeling in 1/72 or 1/76 by showing what can be done in smaller scales.
this site just totally rocks!


Yes, it’s Tamiya’s 1/35 M1A1

more photos of erocks m1a1 currently back on pg. 7, see ‘Completed M1A1 (less figures)’ post…
Erock: i tried printing out the photos but couldn’t… i’m about halfway thru Hasegawa M1E1 Abrams in 1/72. yours is really good !

Thanks Frosty,

I definately want to see pics of yours when finished!

Erock, thanks for that. Was looking, earlier on at the Trumpeter kits of the Abrams. I had had a very quick look once and thought they had the engine, but they only have the engine deck and back doors as separate units. Wondering whether anyone is doing an engine for this kit. Anyway, all that to say that I have an Abrams started too, the Matchbox/Revell kit, and I’m planning to get the engine sitting out of its bay, maybe with a M88 close by (awaiting for S&S to get their M88 out!).

Frosty, thanks for your kind words. I just find it more challenging to superdetail smaller kits. I have an Ontos all opened up coming up soon (I hope!)

Here are a few more that I posted at my site…