Bergetiger quesiton. help.

I am ready to make a 1/16 berge tiger, I need help for reference picture.

especially how the crane work on top of the turret.

thank you in advance.


Must admit I know very little about them myself. [:I] Maybe this will help.

Buy the Italeri BergeTiger and scale it up. It may not be perfect, but it will get you where you need to go. I haven’t seen any scale drawings of one, at least that I know of.

thank you.

I just want to know how the crane work, does it elevate at all?

The boom is fixed rigidly to the turret roof, so it can not elevate. Even if it could move, it would need a second cable and another winch in order to elevate the boom.

but there is a rod attached from boom to mantlet, so I was think maybe when it do the gun elevation, the mantlet will push the rod and push the bood up for elevation.

if not, why did they put a rod between boom and mantlet?


OK, duh…now I see it. [X-)] [D)]

You are right, the boom was elevated by the mantlet through the brace attached to it. There is an explanation on this page;

Not having made one of these, I’m not that familiar with it’s design.

it is just very strange.

one end of the boom is secured with a bolt at the center of turret, then support from middle of boom to the front of turret, so the support arm, the half boom and top of turret become a triangle, so the boom has no way to be elevated.

are we on same page?

Well, that’s what I first thought, but then I wondered if the support on the front edge of the turret could move, maybe slide back and forth along the boom? Why else would they put the extra brace off the mantlet? It seems to be rather redundant if it made a rigid triangle and didn’t allow it to elevate.