Despite what I’ve said earlier on, I DO have occasionaly built Belgian subjects… Exo-Kit of France asked me to come up with the patterns of the Belgian T13 series (B1/B2/B3). And so I did. This is a test shot of the T13B2 pattern that I built as a present for my brother-in-law who is ‘working’ in the Belgian army unit that operated some of those quaint vehicles in 1940.
Belgium being, at the time, neutral, it had been decided to equip part of the Army with a potent weapon that did not ‘look’ aggresive (to our German neighbours! [:0]) and therefore the T13B2 was equipped with a turret that normaly faced towards the back of the vehicle. In case of needing to use the (very) potent 47mm gun, it was necessary for the crew to lower the front and side facing shields and turn the turret… (and therefore expose part of the crew to enemy fire [xx(]…) Only in Belgium! [;)]
The kit is scaled at 1/72, and is packed with details as most of the upper surface of the hull is open to the elements and shows the turret bin, the engine, the driver seat, the ammunition boxes and all…
Hope you like it…