… but if you ask 6 modelers their opinions, you will get a dozen different answers …
Tamiya thin (green top) is good.
Both thin and gel CA. Zap is good, but my current is DUCO from the hardware store. CA accelerator, got mine at the local Rockler woodworking store. R U clumsy? CA debonder may come in handy.
The above are all solvent puttys. Add in a water-based option. Vallejo makes one, also Milliput and Perfect Putty (?). Smooth with a damp Q-tip (see below)
Vallejo brand acrylic paints. Model Color is their brushable. Model Air is airbrush compatible
Invest in Q-tips/cotton buds. Clean up, touch up.
Tamiya yellow (Kabuki) tape 1/4 inch/6mm. Painters tape from hardware store is similar product in wider sizes
Nail files from Sally Beauty Supply, or similar. Coarse, medium, fine, x-fine and/or 4 grit Get several of each. Wet-n-dry sandpaper in 400 and finer grits, an auto parts store item.
Sprue nippers – there are some servicable cutters at the hardware store for starters. As your experience grows consider some of the dedicated plastic cutters. Cut only plastic, never wire.
Fine point scissors for cutting decals. My wife is a nurse and I have a bunch of one-use surgical scissors, or check your SO’s sewing basket
Note that you will be able to find many of these items at non-hobby shops. I have found that if you buy something with a model manufacturer’s logo, you may pay a few bucks more for the priveledge. Keep your head on a swivel.