Been out of the hobby for a long time

My name is Anthony, used to build kits when I was a wee lad, currently 43 yrs old and wanting to get back into building again. I have a cool idea for a semi but needed guidance so decided I would join a forum. I’m looking forward to having time in life to learn from everyone here and build some cool kits .I have three children, 1 1/2 - 6 yrs old so as you can imagine the wifey and I stay busy just maintaining.

Many of the semi kits are reissues from long ago. There are some military ones that are high quality and some of the European companies like Italeri and Revell of Germany have some as well too.

Asking this question in the truck/automotive forum may help get a better answer than I can give you.


Hi Anthony and welcome thought I had submitted my reply. Remember when mine were that age but time flies; they’re 21, 15 and 12 now and look on me as a taxi driver and no longer the font of all wisdom. Wasn’t a prolific builder over those years but this is a great hobby for chilling and remaining calm when all is chaos.


Welcome to the forums! [snWcm] [B]

Welcome aboard.

Hello Anthony

Hello Anthony and welcome to the forum.


Welcome to the Forums!

3 kids under 6 and you have time to model? All the power to you! :slight_smile: Welcome to the forum and back to the hobby.

Welcome to the forums! As you get back into the hobby, be sure to bring the kids along, give them a little exposure, and see if they get the bug, too.

I look forward to seeing your builds!

Best regards,


Hi Anthony! Welcome to the Forums and welcome back to the hobby. Glad to have you aboard.

I’m an old fart that’s been building for 72 of my 78 years. Have 5 kids, 4 of them are in their 50’s and the youngest is in his late 40’s. Have one of the boys still building R/C planes, but none building plastic models.

I build whatever strikes my fancy and my wallet says OK. Favorites are WWI & WWII planes followed by sailing ships.

Enjoy. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. That’s what we’re here for.

Jim [cptn]


Welcome and enjoy.