Anybody who has gotten this kit or has built it would like your opinion of it. Thank you in advance.
I have this kit in the closet, and here is what I see:
Bagged kit, with cardboard header, not the best way to present or store your kit. I got mine a bit banged up with shelfwear which may be more evident when I get the thing open this spring.
Four marking options : USN NAS Glenview with yellow fueselage band over blue
USN 1st Antisubmarine Sq with bright red over blue
French Navy overally glossy sea blue
USN overall grey 36440.
Decals look OK, nice and crisp, but I will spray with an overcoat just in case.
About fifty parts molded in white plastic, a small fret of brass photoetch parts for grills, shackles hub components and the like, and TWO vacform bubbles (boy did I screw up my FM Sickhorse!!) The fret and vacform bubbles are packed in the same baggie [V] and totally vulnarable to being crushed.
I got mine at a hobby shop that was getting rid of it basically. About twenty dollars off the inflated retail price, so Im happy about THAT.
As far as the quality of the kit, the parts look something like some HUMA kits, this is low production run, low injection pressure. Replace parts with tubing when possible (struts) and use a lot of thick wire and stock and you will be fine.
Raised and recessed detail, slightly pebbly surface that should disappear under the gloss blue and clearcoats.
I will dive into mine, but Im not afraid of challenges and having something different on the table! [:D]
Thanks for your comments, been interested in getting this kit, but wanted some comments first