I know there are those this happens to.
I had a situation just today that brought home something I am sure we all have faced at one time or another. I mixed a bottle of light blue paint and Mr surfacer in a separate bottle. I used the dickens out of it and refilled the mix and capped the bottle tightly!
Well, here it is all of seven or eight months later and I had a reason to use it. Hmmmm; Pliars,( Channelocks and old folks bottle opener were useless!) Didn’t do the job. I don’t have ready access to lacquer thinner in the house -That’s a No-No! So I sat there looking at that derned bottle. Well, An idea hit me. Luckily I had a cracked bottle on the shelf. An empty of course, Same threads and lid.
I turned the bottle upside down and did the unthinkable. I filled the lid edges with Tamiya Liquid cement! I then waited about five minutes. The glue had evaporated. I stood the bottle upright and the lid unscrewed stiffly, but it came off! Cleaned the surface of the edge and added the new cap when I was done!
So now I have to say for (BottleEze Opener) use Tamiya Glue if you don’t have anything else. Oh, Testors liquid works too! I used that on an old Humbrol can that still had useable paint in it as well.