Bandai Macross Destroid Tomahawk - 1:100 instructions

Won this kit on Ebay and wondered if anyone might have instructions they could scan for me at all?

Fairly rare kit that I was lucky to get!

Cheers and thanks

I have a set for the IMAI 1/100 tomahawk, I wonder if they are simimlar?


I reckon that might be the same kit!

If you would not mind scanning them perhaps?

Cheers and thanks


They should be fairly close to each other. When the macross series was on in Japan more that one model company issued kits from the show. There can’t be much difference between the them. Probably none at all.

Thanks for the replies

When I got home form work last night I checked the box again, the Tomahawk is indeed from Imai not BanDai as I had posted. My Sincere apologies for that.

The 1:200 kit I won is from Nichimo.



I sent you an e-mail so I can get those instructions to you



Many thanks. I will check my email when I get home from work tonight.

