Badger 155 Anthem reverse air flow.

Yesterday when using my 155 Anthem (the one Mike V sent to me) I started getting reverse air flow. When the trigger was released the paint in the cup started bubbling from air going into the paint cup. I cleaned and inspected the trigger assembly and still have the problem. Today it was even worse and paint started bubbling out of the cup. I tried using the bottle and have the same problem.

When using it to paint, the flow is good with no problems. It only happens when I release the trigger. The only way to stop it is to shut off the air supply. It happens no matter what the air pressure is set at.


Did you remove the air valve assembly?
Is sounds like there is something in it causing it to stick.


I contacted Badger customer service and they talked me through an inspection of the air valve. It seems I have a burr on the needle valve. They asked me how long I have had it and I told them less than a year, which is true. They are going to send me a new air valve assembly, at no charge. She said I should receive it not later than Tuesday by UPS. How is that for great customer service?[:)]

That is why I am such a Badger advocate Berny.
They take care of their customers better than any other airbrush company out there.
Anything else you need help with be sure to let me know my friend.

that’s the exact reason all my ABs are Badger or Theyer chandler,i never even look at the other brands and i just got my Billionaire,i didn’t know what i was missing (or not) until i had to make sure it was on,because i didn’t hear anything