B52G decals

Does anyone know of a source for decals for a “G” model BUFF. Im working on superdetailing an AMT G model circa Desert Storm. Silly me I have about 4000 hours in B52’s and missions in the gulf war and I dont have a single picture or source for much of the info Ive been looking for this project. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Where did you fly out of during Desert Storm? I was in Jedda taking care of air tasking orders for those BUFFs. As for decals, The only one I’m aware of for short-tailed B-52’s is a sheet produced in England by Almark. I do not know if this sheet is still in production or not. try Hannants:
I’m working on a Phase IV “G” that will be marked as one from 92nd Bomb Wing out of Fairchild AFB 1982-83.

Flew out of Jeddah myself. Was assigned to 62 BMS at Barksdale and was one of the first 6 crews sent there prior to the war starting. Still knew many of the folks from Wurtsmith that were there as the core unit, had served with them when I was stationed there in the early 80’s. Thanks for the tip, Ill check it out

Just tried the site…no luck. Guess Im gonna have to go the hard way and draw some up and have them made…another trip down insanity road. You wouldnt happen to have any detail info on the external pylons with HSAB’S and or MER’S. Havent been able to locate much except pics form a few books and what I shot in my BUFF days. BTW…my BUFF will be of one I flew during the war

I’ll be contacting you via email. I have the sheet I mantioned and I don’t know if will be of any help, but I’ll sacn the decal sheet and email to you…

If you have the artwork(or photos of it), I have a friend who can make decals. Email 'em to me and I’ll see what I can hook you up with!
Oh, yeah, my email is MattMeyr@hotmail.com
Keep on truckin! I ain’t in the USAF, but my daddy was Naval Aviation(he’s now a Navy Desk Jockey, but an officer none the less!), and he was the B/N for an A-6E in ATKRON-115! So, you and him were kinda in the same business(shoving bombs up saddam’s tailpipe!), hey-yep?(southern way of saying “eh?”!)