I’m interested in building Trumpeter’s aircraft carrier with the squadron of B-25’s to show the carrier as it was for Dolittle’s raid on Tokyo. The kit only comes with 2 B-25s. Does anyone know where I can buy more planes at the correct scale to fill out the flight deck.?
Try WhiteEnsignModels. com or PacificFrontHobbies.com
I believe both carry the B-25’s
David C
Trumpeter is releasing additional B-25’s in ten-packs. They just hit my local hobby shop last week. You’ll have several surplus ones due to the fact that you only need 16 (shrewd marketing decision on somebody’s part).
I just picked up a ten-pack each of TBD Devastators and F4F Wildcats for my own Hornet (which will be built as Yorktown).
Thanks Guys,
That’s great news. If everything comes in 10 paks, I think I’ll just show 11 on deck with one taking off. I’ll pretend that 4 are on the way to Tokyo
We’ve got all the Trumpeter 350th aircraft in stock. They really are wonderful little mini-kits. Check them out at our store: