B-17F by revell and trying to adapt it

I’m wondering if any one out there has attempted to change the old Memphis Belle into a later model “F”. I would be particularly interested to know how to either find or to change the nosepiece so that it was better suited for the last of the “F”'s when they had one 50 cal. sticking out and the bulging cheeks with 50’s on each side. I bought the Squadron update for the nose, but that is for the later model"G" it being the shortened version. I know it sounds like I’m being a stickeler but when I look through FSM I know I’m not. Please help!!!

The Jag

This is an easy one, go to http://www.meteorprod.com and search B-17 … you’ll find several nose conversions for the 1/48 scale kit.

I’ve actually been thinking about doing something like that as well. I was going to actually swap noses with a B-17G, so I would have a late-nosed “F” and an early-nosed “G”. I would do this by just cutting off the nose sections of both, and removing the chin turret from the “G” nose, putting it on the “F” one for the early-model “G”. then I would just modify the parts a little, and Voila! you’ve got yourself a late “F” nose! I would then just modify the kit nose (fill in the depressions and holes) and vac- form my own! FSM had an article about this, I’m not sure what issue it was in (maybe one of the spring months of last year) It will tell you how to do this if you don’t already know. Here’s just one little hint: instead of using the putty cast of the part, use the whole part, but leave the putty inside it so it doesn;t collapse under the heat, then just trim the part to the right size. I hope that helps, if t doesn’t, or if you’re confused, just say so.[:D]

The problem with the cutting edge B-17 stuff is it’s been on pre order for over a year I don’t know if they are ever going to make it.

I’ll be talking to Dave Klaus in the next few days and will find out what the status is for you.

Thanks for the info, sure as the dickens it was there. I tried to call the phone number but no one was answering so I’ll try in the morning. God, I hope I can get it, if I do I will really owe you one.

The Jag

Yeah, I probably should have mentioned their phones have been down all day.

Swanny: If you get a chance to put in a good word for the B-17F nose glass “Single 0.50”, I’d appreciate it. I have a special version in mind and I’m waiting for the glass.

The problem with doing what you suggest is that you would not end with an “F” model at all because they all had the bigger noses unless they had one put on as a replacement when one was being used as a hack or was war weary and received a battlefield replacement. In any event, you will probably not be happy. I did receive a response which stated that I should contact http://meteorprod.com " and they had what I was looking for. So, never being the one to waste time, I searched for the phone number and it is 703-440 8720. I wish you good hunting as I wish myself. Please let me know how successful you are. By the way, did you see the Feb. editionof FSM? There were three new aftermarkets for the “17” . Since you are an afficianado and a perfectionist vis-a-vis the “lady” if I find anything out I’ll let you know.

So, I’m not the only one who has been waiting for the same thing. I’m overjoyed that I AM NOT the “only voice crying in the desert”. Thanks for the morale support!!!

The Jag

To a certain extent you are absolutely correct. The problem comes with the fact that even though you and I are probably not competing with those individuals who are on the pages of FSM ( though we might want to) we still want all those hours to end with the look we so want. So I do hope that the single part is available as Swanny says. And I’m not the only one.

The Jag

If you’re talking about the clear parts, I know that the “G” model had the shortened nose. I’d just swap the clear parts. If you’re talking about the entire nose, then that’s a new fact for me.

You know , the problem is not the whole nose it is just that god-blessed little piece of plexiglass at the front of the schnozzle that is so important to making the aircraft looking as accurate as one can. Actually to be completely honest with all, I just want to put an “F” model , or even more than one together, to recognize the incredible valor of those early crews who had no chance of completing the 25 missions but still went up day after day. Giving credit were credit is also due one does need to give credit to the “Abbeville Kids” also known as the “Yellow-nosed Boys” who were some of the most feared of the Luftwaffe in the West. Now you know my deepest motives and I hope Tamiya puts out both the jeep and the deuce and a half before my arthritis disenables me from modeling anymore. The Jag

G models came with both the long F nose and the short nose. They were interchangeable and were easily changed in the field. If there was combat damage, they would be changed with what was available such as off of a hangar queen. The short nose was developed to give the guns greater elevation. Also, the last blocks of F models had the chin turrets, so don’t assume an OD chin turreted B-17 is a G unless you check serials. For good info, I would suggest checking out the website for the 303rd Bomb Group, (303rdbg.com).

If you want to do an F, why not do ‘Hells Angels’ from the 303rd which was the first B-17 to complete 25 missions like the case of the myth of the Memphis Belle.

And Knock-out Dropper was the first to complete 50. The problem is that all three of those aircraft can be modeled from the same Revell kit. What I’m looking for is the capability of doing a “Miss Ouachita” or a “Hells Belles” or possibly even “Stuff”, especially the latter if you understand British slang, plus the pin-up was delightful!!! Remember the crew was told to change the name from the original which was “Mis-Abortion”. How they got away with the follow-on name must be because of an headquarter’s SNAFU that it missed the meaning of the new name.

The Jag

Anything you can do will ber extermely appreciated. I spoke to a man at the phone yesterday and he said that the plexiglass noses were expected to be done by sometime in the Spring. I kidded him by telling him that Winter 2006 would not be too early! Actually, I wasn’t kidding.

The Jag